File Encryption and Decryption using Secure RSA
Rajan. S. Jamgekar1, Geeta Shantanu Joshi2

1Rajan.S.Jamgekar, Asst.Professor, NBNSCOE, Solapur, India.
2Geeta Shantanu Joshi, Asst.Professor, MMCOEP, India.
Manuscript received on February 11, 2013. | Revised Manuscript Received on February 12, 2013. | Manuscript published on February 25, 2013. | PP: 11-14 | Volume-1 Issue-4, February 2013. | Retrieval Number: D0168021413/2013©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: In this paper we have introduced secure RSA for secure file transmission. There are many cases where we need secure file transmission for example in banking transactions, eshopping etc [4]. In this paper we present modified RSA algorithm for secure file transmission. RSA algorithm is asymmetric key cryptography also called Public Key cryptography. Two keys are generated in RSA, one key is used for encryption &other key which is only known to authenticated receiver can decrypt message. No other key can decrypt the message. Every communicating party needs just a key pair for communicating with any number of other communicating parties. Once someone obtains a key pair, he /she can communicate with anyone else. RSA is a well known public key cryptography algorithm and was one of the first great advances in public key cryptography. Even if it is efficient algorithm it is vulnerable to attackers. With the help of all brute force attacks hacker can obtain private key.Many improvements has been done to improve RSA like BATCH RSA, MultiPrime RSA, MultiPower RSA, Rebalanced RSA, RPrime RSA etc. As craze of internet is increasing exponentially, it is used for email, chatting, transferring data and files from one end to other. It needs to be a secure communication among the two parties [4]. This paper focuses on file transfer using Secure RSA, which eliminates some loopholes of RSA that might prevent a hacker from stealing and misuse of data. This paper also presents comparison between RSA file transfer and Secure RSA file transfer.
Keywords: File transmission, RSA algorithm, public key cryptography, private key cryptography