Scalable Access Control in Cloud Computing using Hierarchical Attribute Set Based Encryption (HASBE)
A. Vishnukumar1, G. Muruga Boopathi2, S. Sabareessh3

1A.Vishnukumar, Department of IT, VelTech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai, India.
2Dr. G.Muruga Boopathi, Department of IT, VelTech Multi Tech 3Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai, India.
4S.Sabareessh, Department of IT, VelTech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan 5Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai, India.
Manuscript received on February 11, 2013. | Revised Manuscript Received on February 12, 2013. | Manuscript published on February 25, 2013. | PP: 31-33 | Volume-1 Issue-4, February 2013. | Retrieval Number: D0179021413/2013©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: Cloud Computing, an emerging computing paradigm, requires additional security which is provided using HASBE and this can emerge as a new security feature for various organisational platforms. We propose attribute based solution so that performance of cloud can be improved. It is implemented using cipher text policy by encrypting and decrypting the data in the cloud so that the cloud system becomes more scalable and flexible by enforcing data owners to share their data with data consumers controlled by the domain authority.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Access Control, Data Security, Key Generation