Implementation of a DC Power System with PVGrid- Connection and Active Power Filtering
D. Ramakrishna1, Ch. shanker Rao2, G. Udhay Bhanu3

1D.Ramakrishna, M.Tech student EEE Departmen CMR College Of Engineering, Hyderabad, INDIA
2Ch.shanker Rao, .EEE Department CMR College Of Engineering, Hyderabad, INDIA
3G.Udhay Bhanu, Assoc. prof. EEE Department CMR College Of Engineering, Hyderabad, INDIA
Manuscript received on February 11, 2013. | Revised Manuscript Received on February 12, 2013. | Manuscript published on February 25, 2013. | PP: 56-59 | Volume-1 Issue-4, February 2013. | Retrieval Number: D0189021413/2013©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to develop a DC power supply system with photovoltaic (PV) grid-connection and active power filtering. The proposed power supply system consists of an input stage and an output stage. In the input stage, a dc/dc converter incorporated with the perturbation-and-observation method can draw the maximum power from the PV source, which can be delivered to the output stage. On the other hand, grid connection or active power filtering, depending on the power of photovoltaic; will be implemented by a dc/ac inverter in the output stage. Two microcontrollers are adopted in the proposed system, of which one is to implement the MPPT algorithm, the other is used to determine the operation modes, which can be grid connection mode, direct supply mode or active power filtering mode. Finally, the experimental results are measured to verify the proposed algorithms and feasibility of the system.
Keywords: About four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.