Improvement of Performance and Efficiency Through the Use of Permanent Magnet Propelling Phenomenon in Traditional Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Systems
Sandesh Hegde1, Ramachandra C G2, Reddappa H N3, Prashanth Pai M4

1Dr. Sandesh Hegde, PALS Technology, Udupi Karnataka India.

2Dr. Ramachandra C G, Mechanical Engineering, Presidency-University, Bangalore, India.

3Dr. Reddappa H N, Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore -Institute-of-Technology, Bangalore India.

4Dr. Prashanth Pai M, Mechanical Engineering, PA College of Engineering Manglore, India.  

Manuscript received on 20 August 2022 | Revised Manuscript received on 24 August 2022 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 July 2024 | Manuscript published on 30 July 2024 | PP: 27-33 | Volume-12 Issue-8, July 2024 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijese.A37951012122 | DOI: 10.35940/ijese.A3795.12080724

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Abstract: It is widely accepted that the energy we currently use will not be sufficient to fulfil the demands of all people on the globe in the future. As a result, cleaner and more abundant alternative energy sources—which may also take the form of hybrid energy—are needed. Renewable energy sources will certainly become more prominent. Modern civilizations needs cheap, plentiful energy to survive, therefore, it is crucial for human civilization to create a sustainable, affordable, and environmentally benign alternative sources of energy. The global energy dilemma may have an efficient solution in the form of wind power. In current state of affairs, the air could seems like insignificant to any or all. However we tend to all grasp that, the planet has shaped up with associate uneven surface, which suggest that the sunrays could strike these surface with variable intensities at numerous spot on its uneven surface. This creates associated degree of unequal degree of heating of the earth surface, that which causes variation in part of atmospheric pressure thereon. Then it leads to wind. The Kinetic energy of these air molecules is nothing but wind energy. A mechanical mechanism known as a wind turbine which transforms, kinetic energy which is there in the air around it into the required form of mechanical energy. Here in this research we focused on the repellent qualities of permanently magnetized objects with similar poles. These innate qualities of magnetic propulsion are used here as an energy sources. Due to the inclusion of this components like magnetic repulsion, our VAWT system will operate more effectively even at lower wind speeds circumstance also. This magnets will produce a repulsive force that will add various sorts of kinetic energies to the wind turbines as they convert wind energy’s kinetic energy of into the necessary mechanical power when it’s employed as an extra source of energy in a VAWT.

Keywords: Magnet Propelling, Hybrid Energy, Wind Energy and Renewable Energy Sources
Scope of the Article: Mechanical Engineering and Applications