An Android Application to Track College Bus
Hari Bharath R1, Aman Kothari2, Chintan M. Jain3
1Hari Bharath.R, Department of Computer Science, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, India.
2Aman Kothari, Department of Computer Science, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, India.
3Chintan M Jain, Department of Computer Science, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, India.
Manuscript received on April 28, 2017. | Revised Manuscript received on April 29, 2017. | Manuscript published on May 25, 2017. | PP: 1-3 | Volume-4 Issue-10, May 2017. | Retrieval Number: J11740541017
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Abstract: College Students finds it difficult to catch college bus on a regular basis. This is a common problem among Students. Efforts have been made to simplify this process by introducing GPS tracking. But as none of them have a proper algorithm to take into consideration the bus stops as well, the whole point of a student intercepting a bus’s route is lost. The idea of catching a bus then results in the student chasing the bus. This project is an attempt to solve this problem by introducing an Algorithm which uses Google Maps API ,to find the best way to intercept a bus’s route to catch the bus without asking the bus to wait for the student ,neither for the student to chase the bus. The algorithm would show the Student, the nearest bus stop from his location, and the exact location of the upcoming buses, approaching that particular bus stop. Also this allows student to know locations of other nearby buses to help him decide manually if other buses are a better option for him.
Keywords: Android Application, Google Maps API, GPS Technology and Shortest Path Algorithm.