Adaptive Probablistic Broadcasting in Vanet
Rekha Patil.1, Pooja Aspalli2

1Rekha Patil, Associate Professor, Department of computer science and engineering, Poojya doddappa Appa College of engineering, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India.
2Pooja Aspalli, Department of computer science and engineering, Poojya doddappa Appa College of engineering, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India.

Manuscript received on October 11, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on October 15, 2013. | Manuscript published on October 25, 2013. | PP: 1-5 | Volume-1, Issue-12, October 2013. | Retrieval Number: K04550911113/2013©BEIESP

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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: VANET is an autonomous dynamic topology network where moving vehicles exchange their position information with each other. The basic objective of VANET is that all the nodes should be able to gather information about position of all the other nodes. Based on position information of other nodes, nodes can determine their course of action like changing route or changing speed and so on. Due to broadcasting nature of the message, Network runs a risk at broadcasting too many packets which puts a constraint on bandwidth, node battery and packet delivery success due to increased packet collision. Thus suitable technique should be adopted at the network layer that can limit both L2 and L3 type broadcasting depending upon the information about previous transmission, Neighbour state. Hence in this work we emphasize on adaptive probabilistic broadcast based routing from one unicast group to another and compare the performance with Probabilistic Broadcast based routing. In Probabilistic Broadcast every node broadcast packet with a probability P which depends upon several parameters including bit rate, number of transmitting and receiving nodes, path loss etc. To improve the probability of success we opt for adaptive probabilistic broadcast where delay of broadcast is adjusted according to state of success of current node and the same of the neighbour nodes. The adjustment factor is called beta whose values are varied in step to avoid drastic change in data rate. Proposed protocol is simulated with Erlang city’s realistic simulation and a custom traffic scenario of road junction developed by us. Thus our simulation results show justifies the proposed technique over the other broadcast based routing protocols.
Keywords: VANET, Probabilistic Broadcast based routing