Radio Detection of Meteor using Forward Scattering
Amogh Waghmare1, Sheldon Fernandes2, Adesh Shetty3, Shraddha Thakkar4, Sharad Venkataraman5

1Amogh Waghmare, Electronics and Telecommunication, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India.
2Sheldon Fernandes, Electronics and Telecommunication, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India.
3Adesh Shetty, Electronics and Telecommunication, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India
4Shraddha Thakkar, Electronics and Telecommunication, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India.
5Sharad Venkataraman, Electronics and Telecommunication, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India.

Manuscript received on October 11, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on October 15, 2013. | Manuscript published on October 25, 2013. | PP:57-59 | Volume-1, Issue-12, October 2013. | Retrieval Number: L05351011213/2013©BEIESP

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Abstract: In the current scenario, it is a common practice at an amateur level to observe meteor showers through our naked eye. But many obstacles have been encountered while observing the meteor showers; such as bad weather and light conditions. In this paper, a cost-efficient method has been proposed to observe and analyze characteristics of meteor shower, based on the ‘forward scattering principle’. The proposed model has been tested and results have been presented in the paper.
Keywords: Data Logger, Forward Scattering, Meteor, Meteor Burst Communication, Meteor Shower, Yagi Uda Antenna, Zenithal hour rate.